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Cobra Box

Tabor film festival 2019

Athabasca Robophobia

Robophobia is a new album by Athabasca, an electronic music act from London. Listening to it, a tried to get a sense of what the cover design should…

Tabor film festival 2018

I have been following this festival since its inception and have been fortunate to collaborate with them professionally from time to time. I based this year’s web-page on…


Ribekbau is a construction firm operating in Germany. For the needs of the advertisement I designed a plain web-page with a photo slider which provides the users with…

Kiki 2017

Kiki is an international children’s films festival, taking place every spring in Zabok. I have utilised the same platform as in the parent Tabor Film Festival with the…

Anthabasca Wonder Junkie

Athabasca is a music act based in London UK, blending modern electronica with dark and ambient rhythms. This album also has a guest appearance by Dominick Pipkin (ex…

Tabor film festival 2017


Drybell is a Croatian manufacturer of boutique guitar effects. The company produced the now legendary Vibe Machine pedal back in 2014 and has been going from strength to…